Attention: Cancellation Policy

  1. You can receive a full refund if you cancel your tour within 48 hours before the scheduled tour time.
  2. If you cancel within 24 hours of the tour tour time, the paid amount will not be refunded.
  3. In case the tour is cancelled due to adverse weather conditions, a full refund will be provided, or you may reschedule based on availability.
  4. The tour route may change based on prevailing conditions such as road diversion, closure or other condition beyond our control.
  5. It is illegal to drive in Japan under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Your tour will be cancelled, and you will not get a refund.

  6. Please ensure to bring your driving license and International Driving Permit (IDP) or translation with you, as there will be no refunds for forgetting to do so. For more information, please click here.

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